Do you enjoy fun challenges? Do you get immense satisfaction from solving clues and reaping the rewards at the local pub quiz or even when watching CSI Miami on your couch? Well then read on, dear friend, I may have just the ticket for you…!
Imagine the biggest treasure hunt you were ever involved in as a child. Now multiply that by a hundred. No, maybe a thousand. Basically, just imagine a really big treasure hunt. You got that? Good.
On July 23rd, the Sing London festival are hosting just that throughout East London, as part of the London 2012 Open Weekend. There are three different routes to choose from and the prize at the end – if you can locate it – is a rather spiffing party involving gourmet food, cocktails, swing dancing and cookery lessons from Jamie’s Ministry of Food. The party, as well as the treasure hunt itself, is – rather joyously – free of charge.
Of course, even if you don’t find the party, it’s sure to prove an enjoyable experience nonetheless attempting to solve the clues as you take taste tests, interact with strangers, encounter actors in disguise and decode messages hidden in flowerbeds – and do all sorts madly wonderful stuff in the name of good times and camaraderie. (Words: Aoife Moriarty)
For more information and to register to take past in this event, go to: