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Something you should see…Apocalypse Now (remastered)

Before you throw your hands up in disgust at the thought of another remake; relax! Apocalypse Now is being re-released back into cinemas and no, it’s not even in 3D.  In fact, it doesn’t need it; the re-mastered 1979 war drama is more epic than ever.  Under Francis Ford Coppola’s direction you sweat in the stressful action of the Vietnam War and fear senseless death with Captain Benjamin Lillard (Martin Sheen). He leads his crew on a secret mission to kill an ‘insane’ renegade – Green Beret Walter Kurtz (Marlon Brando) who has lost sight of his duties and become a tribal God in Cambodia. It’s a story questioning the honour of war and so the images of death and destruction are still relevant to what’s on the news today and the acting is so superb that it transports you into the horror of the scorching war zone yourself. (Words: Selina Ditta)

In cinemas from May 27th.