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Somewhere you should go… We Love the 90s Film Festival

Just to make me feel very old (once again!) the We Love the 90s crew are putting on a film festival to remind us all that those fav films of our youth weren’t made last week (like our aging grey matter would have us believe) but were actually made 20 whole years ago. The mighty Pulp Fiction was first released in 1994 (pass the defibulator!) Not only is one of my favourite films getting on a bit, it is now considered retro enough to be in a retro film festival…dear oh dear. What this festival does establish though, is that the 90s film industry was booming, even if the fashion wasn’t

(beware people of Dalston… high waisted jeans and baggy print shirts will only come back to haunt you!). The event takes place over two weekends at Portobello pop-up cinema. The festival will be screening six different films chosen by aficionados in style, film, music and cultural life. still-of-chris-tucker-and-ice-cube-in-friday-(1995)   Pickers include the blogger Bangs & A Bun, actor Femi Oyeniran, Soho tailor Mr Dash and the Mercury-nominated DJ Turkish. The creative talent who chose the film hosts each night, giving a brief intro to their choice and how it has inspired their journey in their artistic field. Movies include Pulp Fiction, Boyz in the Hood, Friday, Good Fellas and Higher Learning. As a little added extra, the We Love the 90s team also chose their own favourite movie, so Muriel’s Wedding gets a screening too! (Words: Laura Thornley) From Friday, 25th July to Sunday, 3rd August. For more info, visit:


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