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Somewhere you should go… London Design Festival

London Design Festival

After the brilliant spectacle of London 2012, Londoners can battle their post-Olympic comedown by surfing the crest of the creative wave that’s about to hit. This week sees the stylish crowds strutting in for the start of London Fashion Week but while people-watching can be a diverting pastime, mere mortals should look beyond the stiletto-clad denizens of Somerset House and onwards to the restored warehouse of Central St Martins in King’s Cross, the public space of Trafalgar Square, and the hallowed halls of the V&A. Here’s where you’ll find the various events making up the 10th London Design Festival, and a rather more democratic celebration of the city’s design talent.

London Design Festival

With a packed schedule of over 200 events throughout the week – many of them free – visitors looking to orient themselves should start off at the V&A, the festival hub. Here, Keiichi Matsuda’s PRISM exhibition, will present viewers with an alternative London, one informed by drawing upon various data flows that are the life blood of the city – traffic flow, environmental data and the like. Housed in a part of the museum that’s usually off-limits to visitors, it’s a rare chance to see the city in virtual terms. Down on Southbank on September 20th, collective Designersblock will be presenting their stable of designers. Look out for furniture makers Hendzel+Hunt, who’ll be debuting the results of their 24 Hour Challenge – a task issued to five teams of engineers, architects and creatives, to make a themed pinball machine out of materials foraged around Peckham, in a single day. With themes ranging from King Kong to Charlie Chaplin, it only goes to prove: necessity is the mother of all invention.

The London Design Festival runs from September 14 – 23. For more info, visit


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