Whilst the grey clouds of economic gloom are beginning to part, sadly not all of us are ready to return to our decadent tendencies. But thankfully help is at hand for those of us whose wallets still can’t stretch to a Jacuzzi. Hot Tub Cinema combines, well, hot tubs and cinema and they’re returning this summer for their longest season to date.
Whether you want to bathe away your worries with your nearest and dearest or get to know someone new at close quarters, a convivial atmosphere is guaranteed. In every sense I imagine, there’s little need for ice-breakers in a hot-tub.
The films on the bill sit in a choice strip of the cinematic landscape – some familiar, some less so, nothing too art-house or heavy. Depending on whether you want to reacquaint with an old favourite or discover something new, you can generally feel assured that you’re in for a decent watch.
Whilst climbing into 30-odd degree water during this height of a heat wave might not seem like the wisest of moves, HTC’s outdoor, rooftop location helps combat any unwanted over-heating. Furthermore, tub service means you can grab a little refresher without ever leaving the comfort of your tub. Although, be warned, the combination of wet heat and drip-fed alcohol left even the most sauna-hardy amongst us feeling a little pickled by the end of the proceedings.
On paper Hot Tub Cinema looks a winning combination and in large it does well to fulfill on its promise. The concept is great, if in need of a little refinement, the evening wasn’t without its moments of queasiness; more responsible tubbing on our part might’ve helped. At £30 a place, it’s not one for the thrifty, but to my tastes, it amply repaid. (Words: William Prince)
The Summer of Tub season runs until September, with bookings open now for August screenings – www.hottubcinema.com/