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Metropolitans: Alice Shyy, expat

Alice Shyy from The Notewell

I am…from Florida and started living it up in London while technically residing in Cambridge, from the Spring of 2009. London hasn’t really gotten rid of me since. I spend my days working on two start-ups: The Note Well, a music friendship project, and USApplicants, a tutoring and mentoring company for students who want to go to America for university.

The area in London I call home is… East London. I’ve also happily lived West and Walthamstow, but East London wins.

I’ve got to have a meal at…Addis at Kings Cross. I am a sucker for injera (traditional Ethiopian bread). If anyone knows of better Ethiopian/Eritrean restaurants, holler at your girl.

I tend to get my threads from…Charity shops, festivals, clothing exchanges, sample sales, friends, the street. I used to work at Buffalo Exchange in New York and tend to stock up whenever I go back. I also love Laura Dawson, a London-based American designer with admirable eco-values and great easy-wearin’ pieces.

To enjoy London’s nightlife,  you should…Stay local so you can stay out as late as you’d like–or arrange a crashpad in your going-out area of choice. Nurse a bottle as you stroll to your destination. Avoid standing in line. Seek live music (Songkick is rad for this). Make new friends. Also, throw your own parties. Invite me–I’ll DJ.

If I were mayor, I would...Support more free summer events. That's the biggest thing New York has over London--I miss the great (and gratis) concerts, festivals, films, theater. It's a wonderful way for public and private sectors to engage with citizens. Additionally, I'd work to make the 25 bus somewhat bearable--it'd be a tough fight, but I'd be ready to battle.

My favourite spot to check out art is…Whitechapel Art Gallery. It’s around the corner from my house, and I never risk “museum fatigue” in going to such a tiny space. I also have a great fondness for the Salvador Dalí Universe. I love that dude.

I’d kindly tell a tourist to…Eat at St. Johns Bread and Wine. It will change any negative perceptions of British cuisine.

The things I miss when I leave London are…Amazing gigs aplenty, hundreds of ales, American expats (the cream of the crop fly the coop).

My soundtrack to London would include…

This is my QUESTION! The Note Well publishes six-track playlists every now and again. For some reason, they are always monosyllabic in name. Here’s my playlist for LONDON MUSIC:

Sun” by Caribou. Good for when it’s raining, great for when it’s bright. Also, Caribou Dan and guitarist Ryan live in London–again, go local when possible. And the Kidstreet remix of this song is great for keeping cool on a crowded and insane 25 bus.

Dodfucksupanescorttune” by Drums of Death. It’s my UK mobile ringtone, so if you hear a tinny, lo-fi version pop up randomly around town, it means I’m around, and I’m blowin’ up.

Super Inuit (live)” by Holy Fuck. For walking somewhere super fast. If you underestimate your distance to be traveled (as I often do), the rest of the album will power you through.

Fire Dream” by Patten. For if you need something fresh. Damien (the man behind the band) is a wonderful human being, and he gigs in London quite often. GO.

White Sails” by Marques Toliver. For when you feel lost in the world. Marques lives locally (though he’s from Florida, like me) and has a habit of busking all around.

Lost in the World” by Kanye West (feat. everyone) – For when it feels great to be alive in one of the greatest cities ever.

And Owen Pallett/Final Fantasy for all other times,  always.

To find out more about The Notewell, visit:


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