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5 reasons why…I wouldn’t mind joining a private members club

My fascination with PMC’s started with a visit to Shoreditch House last year, followed by a couple of drop-ins at The Hospital (via friends – pictured above) and most recently Home House – and if you don’t know, these spots are all about networking with the Coolest of the Cool within venues that have the air of Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory without the calories and the schizophrenic undertones (one hopes? Cokeheads can go THAT way *Points to the door marked “Leave That Mess Alone”*). That said, my intrigue is getting the best of me and while these haunts cost a tiny bundle to get the all-clear, a girl can only wish. Here’s why:


1) The facilities. So Hospital has got a cinema, recording studio and an art gallery while Shoreditch House has got a heated swimming pool on the ROOF. Man. Can someone say, bougie, bougie!?


2) My age. I’m gonna be 30 next year and have noticed that my social circle is slowly developing into the sort of creative and inspirational crowd I wish I knew 15 years ago when I was getting bullied at school and plotting to destroy those foes with my INTELLECT. Now that I’ve come of age and I’m a proven smarty-pants, I could seriously kick ass with a PMC membership card. Just saying.


3) Impressing my clients (And I know you did NOT just think about Pretty Woman; I frown at your salaciousness, tut tut). PHOTOGRAPHY clients. Duh.


4) Real social networking. Remember face-to-face banter? No retweets, no trending topics, no “BBM”? Yea, well I miss those days and actually value connecting with people in PERSON (in a PMC, of course LOL)


5) No hype. The beautiful thing about PMCs is that they’re so inconspicuous and you could walk right past one without realising the socialisation taking place indoors; it’s the sort of exclusivity a girl like me could get used to :-)