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Photos: a weekend wander along Berwick Street


In the space of a year, I’ve gone from carrying my Canon 5D in my bag every single place I go to…

…occasionally forgetting I even own an SLR.

Not good.

Not good at all.

What’s happened? A lot, not least a dependence on my iPhone 5s to capture moments on the fly before whacking them onto Instagram –  rather than upgrading to a camera that has Bluetooth so I can sync the phone and present a world with alot more CLARITY.

2017 will be the year of the upgrade, believe.

Until then, I will cherish the moments when I do remember I own an SLR and have the time and mental space for us to just go out for a little wander together.

This went down a few weeks ago when I got an invite to look at Berwick Street with a fresh pair of eyes. I know this street well. When I used to work at Gap Oxford Circus in my uni days, Berwick Street was the spot where I could find one of those Chinese places that used to let you eat all you could for a fiver. It was also the place where I bought some fabric for a project that was way out of my budget. That’s still the same, but that feast for a fiver naturally left with the early noughties.

That’s not all that’s changed. Though stalwarts like the Sister Ray vinyl shop and Misan Fabrics are still reppin’, the Berwick Street Market is soon to be privatised, the Gosh! Comic shop commands queues and there’s a load of alternative clothing shops like Nudie Jeans (a dope Swedish company that will fix your jeans FOREVER) and slick cafes and restaurants like the wonderful Polpetto (which does the best tiramisu). But for now, the independent vibe still lives on, with the characters to match. Here’s a round-up of a pics from my recent visit:

Berwick Street

Berwick Street

Berwick Street

Berwick Street

Berwick Street


Berwick Street

Berwick Street

Berwick StreetBerwick Street

Berwick Street

Thanks to Sister London for the visit! 


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