It was only a few months ago that revellers across the country were having a ball at the wild and wonderful Secret Garden Party in Cambridgeshire – including writer Ena Miller. With tickets now on sale for next year’s summer jamboree, she takes a moment to reminisce on her 2012 experience……
It’s a damn near crime we’ve taken our sweet time to spread the word about weekly music night Jazz Re:freshed, but that’s only because we’ve selfishly enjoyed being amongst the first few privy to their long-standing, progressive movement in our neck of the woods. Since 2003, they’ve inspired West…
As far as entertainment goes, there’s few things more mind-boggling to see than the circus arts – and if you’ve had to chance to check out legendary companies like Cirque do Soleil, you’ll know why. Death-defying stunts, dramatic tricks, fearless athleticism – it’s an incredible craft of physical endurance, and…
If you are trying to break into the shorter narrative film world you had better make a beeline for Soho this month. The Rushes Short Film Festival is an annual event that offers a wealth of knowledge for any budding filmmaker, whatever your discipline. The award side of the festival…
Should I be ashamed that I’ve lived in London for nearly 13 years with very limited historical knowledge about my beloved town? Probably. Well in an attempt to rectify such wrongs – and with some inspiration from an upcoming London dating site – I tried out a London Duck Tour,…
Anchorman is one of those films that – despite its oft crude humour – almost everyone seems to love. Unlike some of Will Ferrell’s movies, it gets the balance between gross out and silly right and Ron Burgundy – with his bad 70s hair, overt sexism and seductive flute playing…