Based on the critically acclaimed novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun ambitiously presents a difficult period in Nigerian history through the lives of two privileged sisters and their partners. Olanna (Thandie Newton) and Kainene (Anika Noni Rose) choose to stay in the newly independent Nigeria during…
Hip Hop may have come a long way through the years and for all those who weren’t around to witness its humble beginnings, here’s an opportunity to catch up. Wild Style – widely considered the most influential and essential film on 1980s hip hop culture – is 30 years old…
One of our favourite cinemas in town is screening a Spike Lee epic on December 3 as part of their Classic film season. Released in 1989, Do The Right Thing is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, picking up two Academy Awards on its release…
It’s hard to find a contemporary filmmaker that can rival Alexander Payne’s enviable skill of transforming regular trips into deeply emotional journeys. With films such as About Schmidt, Sideways and The Descendants, Payne has received warm critical reception and has gained major awards, including two Oscars for best writing. And…
After a run-of-the-mill summer movie season, autumn really needs to start with a bang. Thankfully, the 57th BFI London Film Festival (9-20 October) is more than up to the task. As you will see from our guide to the highlights of this year’s festival, the LFF has assembled its strongest…
It starts in the first few weeks of September when you begin to notice a slight change in London; coffee shops and nail bars are busier, there’s more private cars with blacked out windows on the roads and go to any bar near Somerset House and you’ll notice the outfits…